From Norm, Head Rat
The weather is getting warm (well, it was last week!) and people’s thoughts are turning to sailing and The Water Rat Sailing Club. As the season is starting up, I’d like to take this opportunity to update you on what is going on at the club along with a couple of requests for assistance.
Covid Update
Just when we thought we were in the clear Doug Ford shuts the province down again… probably a good idea but it is tough to swallow… again.
Having said that the Ontario Sailing Association (OSA) has launched a Covid Task Force. Randy, our Race Rat and Laser sailor, is part of that committee. Part of their mandate is to “Interpret the Legal requirements that the Province imposes on our sport and recreational activities of Sailing including training.”
We will use the guidance from the OSA/Covid Task Force and the City of Toronto to determine if we are open and what extra steps or activities might be required.
To see the latest OSA Covid Updates check their website link above, our Facebook page, and the OHSF website.
At the moment, we are open!
Clean Up Day
Once again, we will not have a formal Clean Up Day. Volunteer Requests will be posted via email and Facebook for individual projects.
New Keys, Locks, Insurance and Transom Stickers
Please be aware that this year we will be changing the locks. This means you will need to give us your old key and we will provide you a new key for the new lock. Your old key will not work.
Insurance – we will need to see your insurance. For liability purposes you need to have insurance coverage for your boats.
May 8th and May 12th are the days the membership committee has set up for you to get your new key and to show your insurance. Try to make yourself available for one of those days. Covid regulations may require that we change things up… so stay tuned and pencil in May 8 and May 12th in your calendar.
We will not be changing the lock until after May 12th.
At that time, we will also be handing out Transom stickers. We want to make sure our membership system is up to date with the inventory of boats sitting at our club. Note that we have decided not to issue annual stickers (i.e. 2021).
Water Safety Meeting
Because of Covid 2020 the Outer Harbour was very congested. As a result, we had several collisions and near misses. A committee of OHSF clubs, along with Kite Boarders and Swimmers has been struck. They have had one or two meetings so far. Their goal is to make the Outer Harbour a safer place for all participants. Stay tuned for more information.
The board has decided to replace the willow we lost last year with two trees instead of a built structure. The two trees are big (20 -40 ft) and should be planted in the next month.
The board has approved the purchase of new picnic tables, muskoka chairs and a new swing. If you have the time and are interested in helping me out with this project let me know...
If you have any questions let me know
Head Rat