Executive roles
Commodore (Chief Rat)
- Represent the WRSC to the public.
- Sign contracts as the CEO of the WRSC.
- Chair the meetings of the Executive.
- In conjunction with the Secretary, prepare the adgenda for Executive meetings.
- To schedule Executive meetings at regualr intervals.
- To co-ordinate the creation of a yearly calendar of club events.
Treasurer (Money Rat)
- Maintain the financial records of the Water Rat Sailing Club.
- Prepare income and balance sheet statements for presentation to the Executive Committee, and the Annual General Meeting. Such reports are to include projections to year-end and comparisons to budget, if applicable. The chart of accounts should be established at a level that facilitates the Executive Committee’s required level of detail.
- Establish and implement the necessary procedures for the control of funds, cash, and other assets.
- Ensure that all cash and cheques are promptly deposited, and records are maintained as to the source of funds.
- Prepare, authorize and distribute all cheques for the payment of approved expenditures, expenses claims, invoices, etc. All invoices are to be maintained and should clearly indicate the purpose of the expense.
- Maintain the organization’s bank accounts. Advise the Executive Committee on investments and implement investment decisions.
- Co-ordinate the preparation of annual budgets for approval by the Executive Committee.
- Co-ordinate the preparation of year-end financial reports with the Auditor.
- Arrange for the appointment of the Auditor at the Annual General Meeting.
- Prepare, or arrange for the preparation of, final financial reports on projects. Assist committee chairpersons and project co-ordinators with the preparation and submission of financial reports relating to projects and programs.
Membership Director (Key Rat)
- Maintain membership database
- Organize membership renewal sign-up days
- Co-ordinate activities with Paddling Rat, Dinghy Rat and/or Cat Rat
- Track work-or-pay hours of members
- Respond to enquires from existing and prospective members
Race Director (Race Rat)
- Organize and run the race program at the Water Rat Sailing Club.
- Racing schedule start times are as follows:
- Sundays at 1PM in April
- Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6PM May-August
- Sundays at 1PM September-October
- Excepting holidays.
- The course shall be set at the above noted times, i.e. you should be at the Club 45 minutes prior.
Education, Skills and Requirements
- Must have Ontario Boating License and Toronto Port Authority License. (If not current, WRSC will pay for exam costs upon successful completion of the test.)
- Must be physically capable of handling race committee boat and assisting racing sailors, if required.
- Must have race committee experience or sailboat race experience.
• Run races on scheduled days
• Maintain the committee boat, fuel and marks
• Organize regattas, including organizing regatta BBQ's
Secretary (Paper Rat)
- Advocate for Members and the WRSC
- Attend executive meetings to record minutes
- Prepare the agenda with and for the Commodore
- Receive and send external and internal communications
- Distribute information to Members as directed by the Executive
- Receive incidental invoices and pay them
- Pick up the mail at least once a month (970 Queen St. East)
- Maintain the postal box
- To keep public WRSC documentation (lease, insurance, Provincial membership) current
Skill Set
- Some understanding of the process of taking minutes
- Minimal word processing skills and access to a computer and printer
- General understanding of how meetings are conducted
Communications Director (Web Rat)
Summary: Help build our community by managing website and sharing content.
Throughout the year: create content for the website and social media, add news articles, and events throughout year, create, edit and send announcements via email to the membership as required. Prior to registration day: update events calendar, update club executive list, post cleanup and registration day info.
Skill Set: web content management, building participation by email and in social networks, basic HTML, graphics editing and image optimization.
Harbour Master(s) (Grounds Rat(s)) [ Two ]
- Look after the club infrastructures
- Help organize clean-up days
Social Director (Party Rat)
- Schedule social events as directed by the Executive
- Solicit and organize volunteers to carry out BBQ (social events, but not regatta BBQ's)
- Organize Christmas party
- Maintain the food preparation and equipment
Associate Membership Director (Paddling Rat)
- Represent paddlers in all Executive meetings (approximately once a month in spring, summer, fall, evenings)
- Coordinate yearly membership renewals at all events
- Conduct a yearly check of all kayaks/canoes to ensure stickers are applied
- Deal with rack repairs, new rack builds
- Respond to new membership inquiries
- Maintain Paddling Waiting List
- Help new Paddling Members get on board
- Maintain rack/berth ownership, deal with issues that arise
- Deal with inquiries/issues that arise with Paddling members
Associate Membership Director (Dinghy Rat)
- Early registration for members (few evenings involved)
- Late registration for members
- Sign up new Laser members
- Answer e-mails for membership enquiries
- Attend executive meetings
Previous Commodore (Badger)
- Ex-officio member of the Executive
- Attends all scheduled meetings of the Executive and general membership
- Uses experience as previous chair of the Executive to help to move deliberations along constructive, productive lines
- Supports the goals and activities of the Executive
- Serves as a resource person to advise Executive members in the execution of their duties
- Represents the Club to other associations, the media, and other formal capacities in the absence of the Chief Rat or Race Rat
- Takes on specific responsibilities as decided upon by the Executive from time to time